They manufactured very small number these 1940 Panel delivery cars. Mostly those were send to war (II WW) or sold to companies, who were manufacture parts or serve to warindustry or Us Government. This car I found from Orange CA. Originally car has been registered 1st time in Pennsylvania and bought to CA like project car as i bought it.
I built car between December 2014 - June 2015. After welding jobs I drop suspension 4" lower, fixed original hydraulic brakes, opened and fixed 1953 EAB ford flathead. Original 3speed double detent tranny I rebuilt. All crome recromed in Los Angeles before I ship car to Finland. They also straihgt bumpers and make basics all parts. I bought 1941-42 Ford wirings from CW Moss and fit those to this 1940 yearmodel car. All electric I have changed to 12V except gauges are still 6V. DC generator I changed to work 12V and polarized it. Colour is from RAL coloursheet. I have increased 40% matting base before spraying. Pinstripes are made by I and my Oskar son. Sunvisor was lowprice "junk" from ebay and I fixed it as good as it was possible to make. Here was this only and one 1940 panel delivery in all Scandinavia (Fin, Swe, Dan, Nor). I sold car 2017 to South-Germany. Here some project pictures took during 600hours project time:
2015 Powerpark American Car meeting.
"Eagle" front
Finnish White Quard Museum here in Seinäjoki city.
Panel in Orange CA
I like this patin.
Rust, holes, scratches, dents.... Normal for delivevery vans.
Cromes before I ship those to Bumber Shop Los Angeles CA
Car arrived Finland Autumn 2014.
Old style louvers belong to the Hot Rods
Rear panel was rather strong steel, but very bad condition. There is not available new sheet metal piece, so I decided to fix old steel. Another posibility is to make totally new homemade piece.
These floor replacement sheet metals are found from cataloque. Not expensive, easy to fit.
Fenders were less or more like "potato sack".
Normal that door bottoms are rost.
Outerskin sheet metal easy to make with english wheel and beadroller machine
Parts reinstalling after welding jobs.
EAB (110hp) flathead works fine. Just opened, fixed but not painted. I left engineroom and engine patin outlook.
Rolling car again after 2months welding and techinal jobs.
I made all basics home and sprayed Epox primer outside of my garage. Industrial stuff is enough "hard" stuff.
Ready for black sealer colour. I made paintjob in my friends car painting company.
sealing colour is painted "wet to wet" system.
1hour later body is ready. RAL colour + 40% matting base. Looks shiny, but next hours finish out look like it is.
Fenders, doors, hood....painted.
Oskar and I make new wirings on our kitchen table.
I bought from CW Moss new 1941-42 ford wirings. Very low price "opened and returned" set. Easy to fit to my 1940 car.
Protect paint inside of fenders
Missing one fender bracket, but easy to make on the way putting car together.
Ou shit it looks nice. Elephant ...
Oskar has installed new Ford emblems and rims.
Begining of May .
Old original Ford - style wirings and connectors.
All other are use 12V exept gauges and heater 6V, like originally.
I made pinstripes with my Oskar son. Beugler is good help.
First colour is cream
Oskar photo all parts he has installed.
Youngest finnish straiper.
Another colour is blue.
Looks older without sunvisor.
Patin inside too. Seat need to wash.
EAB (110hp) engine fits good. New Walker radiator and new 12V voltage regulator. Generator I have made to 12V.
Nothing beats real patin. Next winter I drop Battery to original place, pass.side on frame.
Its hard work to be CEO. Need to sleep while Dad is working with Rod.
Finished car. New classes, seals.... We made (I and Oskar) pinstripes. Cream and Blue straips are nice.
Deluxe rims and quard.
Patin is real !
All woods inside are also original.
6" wide whitewalls and repro wheels.
Oulu American Car Show 2017. Pics: Pasi Kekarainen